
Wednesday, October 7, 2009


The film takes place within a post-apocalyptic context, beginning with narration from Columbus.a college student from Austin, Texas, who is on his way to Columbus to see if his parents are alive. He begins by explaining that his survival so far has been due to not having any friends to be attached to and not being close with his family, as well as a list of "rules" for surviving the zombie apocalypse, which become a recurring motif in the film. After surviving a few zombie attacks, he encounters Tallahassee ), whose life goal is to find the remaining Twinkies on Earth. To avoid attachment, Tallahassee insists that no real names be used and instead go by their intended destinations: Columbus and Tallahassee.

Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone,Abigail Breslin


Movie trailer
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